For me personally, my literacy moment, isn’t one I can specifically recall and/or categorize into a particular date and time. If I had to make an educated guess, I’d have to say I must’ve been five or six years old. It’d be fair to say I was preparing to make my jump into grade school. I can’t necessarily recollect the exact book or even the time, but I can say I remember trying to consciously read for the first time. My mom would always tell me, that I did things like this, because I was always anxious and eager to start grade school. Hard for me to believe that now, but not impossible.
The area this took place in, would be the living room of the house I originally lived in when growing up. I was most certainly sitting on the couch that faced the computer bureau that was centered against the far wall. The bay window allowed bright streaks of light to pour out into the room, onto the floor, and into my eyes. The door that led to the patio and steps of the side of the house was closed shut, but it had a relatively large window in the upper section of it. To my left, past the opening of the kitchen, was the bathroom, which lays next to the doorway that leads to the basement. When it comes to those who surrounded me, I can tell you my mom most certainly was. Despite not being impactful characters in their own, my dogs were both in the room as well, seeing as they never left my moms side on an average day. It must’ve been the middle of the day, as there wasn’t anyone left in the house. I would say that this moment, was my, “literacy moment of importance” since it’s the earliest time that I can greatly remember processing and actually understanding the words on the paper in front of me.